Ayahuasca for Scleroderma

Scleroderma is a difficult disease to treat, but it’s not impossible to overcome it. This is in part due to the fact that it’s a rare disease. People don’t talk about it very much and so it’s hard to get the word out about ways to treat scleroderma naturally. It isn’t common knowledge that patients can use Ayahuasca for scleroderma, but Michael Pollan featured a patient who was able to cure scleroderma with Ayahuasca in his documentary How to Change Your Mind. This patient had been almost completely “mummified” by scleroderma. Ayahuasca immediately began to heal her. But how does it work?

One little-known fact about scleroderma that’s been covered up by Big Pharma has to do with the relationship between scleroderma and cancer. Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler was one of the first doctors to establish a connection between cancer and scleroderma through her research that established that both scleroderma and cancer are caused by a mycobacterium. The mycobacterium that causes cancer has been observed by many doctors and scientists over the years, but this information is not ever disseminated to the public or even to other scientists. The mycobacterium seems to originate from inside the human cell to become a disease-producing pathogen as a result of the body’s exposure to emotional or biological stressors. For more information about Dr. Livingston-Wheeler’s research into a cure for scleroderma and her discovery that cancer and scleroderma are related, click here.

Other doctors / scientists who have observed and reported on the mycobacterium that causes scleroderma and cancer include:

Scleroderma and Cancer

There are many models of cancer that a person can use to cure this disease, but one model of cancer involves the presence of a mycobacterium (a bacteria that also resembles a fungus) that lives in a dormant state in our human cells until activated. This mycobacterium is related to the mycobacteria that causes tuberculosis, leprosy, and scleroderma, as it turns out, which helps us establish a clear conceptual link between cancer and scleroderma. The mycobacteria that causes cancer can be activated by low pH in the body, trauma, or other factors like poor immunity. The mycobacterium that causes scleroderma is so similar to the mycobacterium that causes cancer that most scleroderma patients will find that natural cures for cancer, also work as natural cures for scleroderma.

Click here to read more about how to cure scleroderma naturally.

Scleroderma and cancer are related and they share certain features. This has been established. Both required a fairly strong effort to overcome. But if you know that scleroderma is caused by a mycobacterium that exists naturally in human cells but, like cancer, might be activated by poor pancreatic function, low pH levels, or a lack of certain nutrients like vitamin B17, iodine, potassium iodide (Lugol’s iodine), and vitamin K2, you have a place to start in the quest to cure this disease. Natural cures for cancer are easier to find online than scleroderma cures, but in fact, a person who is looking to cure scleroderma might seek out natural cures for cancer as the next best thing.

Ayahuasca for Scleroderma

Ayahuasca for cancer works through several mechanisms of action that we talk about at this link. We expand on these concepts regarding cancer and Ayahuasca even more at this link. Ayahuasca for scleroderma works through similar mechanisms of action. Scleroderma originates as poor pancreatic function, likely as a result of trauma (the pancreas, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, stores issues related to trust / distrust). Often, people must work on different levels of their physical and emotional being to overcome scleroderma for this reason. Dimethyl-sulfoxide / DMSO is an anti-cancer drug that’s available over-the-counter, but that is also widely used in conventional medicine that has been used successfully by patients to cure scleroderma or at least get it under control. Click here to read more about DMSO for scleroderma. While many patients can begin to overcome scleroderma naturally using DMSO or any number of cancer cures that we’ve mentioned in this discussion, Ayahuasca is the medicine that can take healing to the next level. 

For a patient with scleroderma, Ayahuasca should be administered either via microdosing (1/8th to 1/20th of the full dose), or by microdosing and also taking full doses weekly at first, and then later, monthly. For severe scleroderma, Ayahuasca should be administered as a full-trip as often as needed to achieve a positive change followed by microdosing for 4-5 days of every week. 

Because the pancreas plays a central role in scleroderma symptoms, it’s important to focus on supporting this organ to treat this disease. We usually recommend the China Study Diet as a good place to start in supporting the pancreas, but other diets might, in some cases be more appropriate. In all cases, animal products should be kept to a minimum and patients should eat less than 5% animal products (meats, milks, and cheeses from animals) in their diets. The consumption of unheated, unprocessed oils that are sold in dark glass jars and the avoidance of heated, processed oils that sold in transparent plastic jars (as well as the avoidance of frying oils and oils that are heated during food preparation) is also extremely important in overcoming scleroderma. Click here to read about how to make the Budwig smoothie, a whole-food drink that helps human cells recharge electrically.

It is also essential that scleroderma patients understand that fibrotic tissues and overgrowth of cells is often due to pancreatic enzyme deficiency, or a chronically clogged common bile duct. Click here to read more about pancreatic enzymes for cancer but as you read this material, think about scleroderma skin hardening as cancerous tumors or cancer cells to understand how Ayahuasca can help the body seek out and destroy the sick cells. Also click here to learn about nutrient supplements for cystic fibrosis, a disease caused by the buildup of fibrotic tissue that is not unlike scleroderma in that both of these diseases involve fibrotic tissues. One of the most important nutrient supplements for cystic fibrosis is serrapeptase, an enzyme that is useful in eating away at fibrotic tissues that are “dead”. When fibrotic tissues are still alive, the go-to medicine is pancreatic enzymes.

Ayahuasca clears the common bile duct and it also heals the pancreas. This is why Ayahuasca works for scleroderma. Pancreatic enzymes can soften tissues that have hardened as a result of the disease while opening the common bile duct supports the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas, the liver and the gallbladder. The Lugol’s iodine protocol is essential to cure scleroderma. This protocol works fluently with Ayahuasca to enhance its effects while supporting the body’s nutritional needs.

For more information about healing from scleroderma with Ayahuasca, watch this YouTube video.

Whitehill, N. (2016). My Skin Is Cured of Scleroderma, but the Rest of Me? Retrieved October 15, 2024 from https://sclerodermanews.com/2016/12/07/skin-cured-scleroderma

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