Lydian and I are certified in Constellations Therapy, but we offer this type of family therapy in conjunction with psilocybin as a useful tool that allows Lydi and I, and sometimes clients (if they have access to psilocybin themselves), to be able to feel and intuit things in The Knowing Field. Feeling and intuiting data from the Knowing Field requires a present-tense state of mind and psilocybin helps us achieve that state more reliably for clients. Clients who are able to take psilocybin at the same time to work with their Constellation and the Knowing Field, have a deeper experience, so we generally recommend this approach whenever possible. Also, when clients take psilocybin themselves, they have a first-person experience and guidance that they can feel and sense from their own internal experience versus simply being witness to something that Lydian and I intuit about the Knowing Field.
Psilocybin is an amazing medicine and even if a client can’t access psilocybin mushrooms themselves, the social experience of Constellations with Lydian and I taking mushrooms produces a contact high in clients. When people who have taken psilocybin and they socialize with those who haven’t, the ones who haven’t taken psilocybin can begin to feel trippy. A contact high may be just as powerful as an actual psilocybin trip in some cases. It is possible to resist the contact high, but the goal for clients is to submit to it, of course.
If you’re hoping to heal a familial dysfunction, whether you’re a young adult or an older adult, and release ancestral trauma, Constellation Therapy with Psilocybin is an approach that really works even if the other parties involved in the dysfunction are not in communication with you. For deep wounds and complex dynamics, it can take a number of sessions to see progress in the real world. In other words, if you’re hoping to overcome estrangement in the family, or a toxic relationship pattern, don’t expect to do only one session with psilocybin. Clients have to take responsibility for this part of the work as we have no control over what the family system requires in terms of healing work. We act as a conduit in this therapy for information to pass from The Knowing Field to the client.
We may do one or a number of different Knowing Field configurations during a full session for a client. One session lasts 2-3 hours. Psilocybin is administered 1 hour before the session begins.
Cost for the session does not include the cost of the psilocybin mushrooms.
COST: $670 USD
How to schedule Constellations Therapy with Psilocybin: Contact us at to schedule your session with us.