Cancer and diabetes are diseases that both originate energetically in the pancreas. What I’m trying to say is that both of these diseases originate from some form of physical or emotional trauma, a love-movement that has been “interrupted”, or from a lack of privacy during a critical period in one’s life when a lot of “processing time” was needed but not available in order to “settle” the emotional debris of a difficult era. But don’t worry too much about the idea of an energetic origin just yet. First, let’s talk in-depth about Ayahuasca for cancer and diabetes as a physical medicine for the body before we consider its value in the treatment of spiritual-emotional-psychological issues.
If you are primarily interested in Ayahuasca for cancer, click here to read more about the scientific research showing how Ayahuasca cures cancer.
There’s a disconnect today between the mind, the body, and the soul in medicine. Though the earliest form of medicine, shamanic medicine, once dealt almost exclusively with the idea of the “soul” and “soul parts”, today, talking about the soul in medicine is heretical. You can’t measure the soul empirically – the soul is not a scientific construct per se – thus it does not exist in conventional medicine and doctor’s offices. But people who are really sick who have run the gamut as far as what they can accomplish using conventional medicine and doctors enter into a Dark Night of the Soul. This Dark Night exists as an impetus to find Light though some people give up before that happens. For others, the Dark Night of the Soul is a process of opening that allows them to reconnect to parts of their human nature that they thought they’d lost forever. Many people today in modern society find their way to Ayahuasca and the Light through a Dark Night of the Soul like what I’m describing.
If you haven’t experienced a Dark Night of the Soul yet, you may not be ready for Ayahuasca. But for anyone who has come to the edge of this kind of deep abyss, there are no other options than to plunge in and experience the darkness as a process of seeking hope, healing, and Light.
Unlike psilocybin which primarily helps the body reconcile the checks and balances of trauma and our relationship with death, Ayahuasca can actually heal the body in addition to the psyche and the soul in people who are very ill with cancer or diabetes. For this reason, we usually redirect people with cancer or diabetes who are looking to work with psilocybin for death anxiety to instead consider working with Ayahuasca.
Ayahuasca as a Medicine for the Body
Ayahuasca is a psychoactive medicine and most people think about this herbal remedy for cancer and diabetes in terms of its psychoactive properties. It’s the psychoactive experience combined with its purgative effects that scares a lot of people away from Ayahuasca, but people can come to Ayahuasca slowly through microdosing to get to know this herbal combination treatment without fear. Microdosing Ayahuasca can be done as an herbal remedy for cancer and diabetes with the goal of later doing one or more full Ayahuasca “trips” that include the psychoactive element and possibly purging. But why use Ayahuasca microdosing for cancer and diabetes (or just cancer or just diabetes)?
Ayahuasca contains a substance called Harmine that helps the pancreas regrow the beta cells that produce insulin. Ayahuasca also helps the liver and gallbladder purge toxins which can be spiritual, emotional, or physical. Clearing the liver and gallbladder, in turn, clears the Ampulla of Vater which can become clogged with bile sludge, gallstones, or bile stones that cause pancreatic enzymes to back up into the pancreas.
The pancreas, liver, and gallbladder are all connected via the common bile duct in 90% of people and when the liver and gallbladder get clogged, which can happen as a result of any number of physical or emotional issues, the pancreatic enzymes may be obstructed. The cells in the pancreas that produce pancreatic enzymes sit right next to the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, but when pancreatic enzymes flow backward into the pancreas after being released into the common bile duct, they digest and destroy the insulin-producing cells that play a vital role in our cell’s ability to remain open to the environment so as to receive nutrition, medicine, and the substances that keep it alive.
The cellular shut-down / dormancy that can occur when there isn’t enough insulin being produced by the beta-cells in the pancreas is similar to what Dr. Robert Naviaux has described in regard to the use of Suramin for autism. Dr. Naviaux describes The Cell Danger Response as a cellular dormancy that occurs in response to cellular trauma of some kind be it biological, physical, or emotional. He acknowledges that the comatose state that Swedish refugee children fall into as a result of receiving news of deportation back to war-torn countries and unsafe living conditions (known as “Resignation Syndrome”), can cause The Cell Danger Response to occur wherein cells close down and go into a state of dormancy in response to an emotional trauma and devastation.
Insulin is a substance produced by the pancreas, so it shouldn’t be surprising that the pancreas in Traditional Chinese Medicine is said to deal with our sense of trust or distrust – our sense of safety in the world. Trauma, in fact, is defined as an event, exposure, or experience that causes a perpetual, ongoing feeling of danger even when there is no danger present. Trauma, as such, is a distinctive pancreatic energy. Some people experience this perpetual feeling of danger as depression, others as anxiety, addiction, or panic. Still others experience psychosis as a result of trauma. And yet others still develop physical manifestations of disease as a result of trauma. Diseases like cancer and diabetes are among the line-up of illnesses that can manifest as a result of trauma.
Pancreatic enzyme therapy has been used with a 13% cure rate as a stand-alone cancer treatment. The use of pancreatic enzymes for cancer was developed by Dr. John Beard, an embryologist who noted the similarities between cancerous tumors and the trophoblast cells that are produced during the earliest stages of embryonic development. Pancreatic enzymes that are reabsorbed by the small intestine into the bloodstream after the digestion of food have the ability circulate throughout the body to digest the fibrin sheath that protects cancerous tumors from being discovered by the human immune system. As such, pancreatic enzymes (that can become backed up to digest the insulin-producing beta cells and that are also not deposited in the small intestine for re-absorption and circulation in the bloodstream) in addition to a lack of adequate insulin (another pancreatic enzyme that ensures that nutrients can be absorbed into cells) play a direct role in the development of cancer and diabetes.
A person who has both cancer and diabetes needs to regrow beta cells in the pancreas while also detoxifying the liver to remove bile sludge, bile stones, and gallstones that may be clogging the common bile duct such that pancreatic enzymes that are flowing backward into the pancreas. Harmine is the most powerful herbal remedy to regrow beta cells, though there are other herbs that regrow beta cells much more slowly including Melissa officinalis / Lemon Balm. In my opinion, if a person can find and do Ayahuasca microdosing for cancer and diabetes, this is ideal as an initial introduction to Ayahuasca that can be combined with a dieta that is specific to the treatment of cancer and diabetes as well as an upcoming full-strength Ayahuasca trip.
Microdosing with Ayahuasca is possible if you can find a product for sale with a high enough Harmine dose to regrow beta cells in the pancreas. Some Ayahuasca microdose products are extremely small doses that don’t have a strong enough effect to regrow beta cells quickly. Combining Ayahuasca microdosing with Melissa officinalis can assist with beta cell regrowth to treat diabetes and cancer naturally.
Of course, an easier alternative might be, in some cases, to do a Mexico Ayahuasca Retreat in person along with microdosing if time allows before or after the retreat. In any case, Ayahuasca has the ability to treat the physical manifestations of both cancer and diabetes through its impact on the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas along with its ability to remove bile stones, gallstones, and bile sludge from the common bile duct leading from the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder to the small intestine.
For more information about natural ways to cure cancer and to learn more, we expand a great deal on the topic of how the pancreas is related to cancer at this link.
Ayahuasca for Trauma: Cancer and Diabetes
Ayahuasca is a psychoactive medicine that is more famous as an herbal remedy for trauma than as an anticancer or antidiabetes herb. In fact, cancer, in particular, is a disease that is rooted in unresolved trauma. German New Medicine is a system to treat cancer naturally through the release of trauma. This system of medicine acknowledges that the vast majority of cancer patients have some identifiable traumatic event from their history that spurred the development of cancer.
In order to understand how trauma can cause cancer or diabetes, one has to look at other systems of medicine to connect the dots. German New Medicine is one system of medicine that helps us see the results of treating trauma to overcome cancer, but Traditional Chinese Medicine acknowledges that the pancreas is the organ through which we experience either trust or distrust, safety or a sense of ongoing danger. Let’s return to our discussion above about insulin to expand on a cellular metaphor of “trauma” to better understand this idea that the pancreas governs our general sense of safety or danger in the world.
The pancreas is the organ that produces and releases insulin. Insulin is like a grocery delivery service and it is also the key that opens the front door to our human cells to set the groceries just inside the door. Without insulin, the front door to the cell never opens and the cell is not nourished by anything external. The cell becomes paranoid, like a shut-in, and slowly its vitality is diminished. Eventually, it goes into a state of dormancy that our bodies might experience as chronic pain, cancer, insulin sensitivity issues, autoimmune disease, autism, psychosis, mental illness and other states of dis-ease. Insulin plays a role in The Cell Danger Response, which is how humans respond to trauma at the cellular level. Our bodies shut down cell-by-cell.
Ayahuasca can regrow insulin-producing cells in the pancreas which, in turn, helps to open cells to proper nutrition and external input from the environment. It helps us become more awake, alive, and aware of our lives on earth – to being alive – through its impact on the cells and also its impact on the pineal gland, the part of the body that’s associated with the third eye. The pineal gland is also the part of the body that ensures that we are able to orient ourselves in time and space, the X-Y dimensions through which we experience earth, but it is also the part of the body that governs the autonomic nervous system, a part of the nervous system that represents the mind-body interface where trauma is stored until it can be released through some form of embodiment.
Ayahuasca opens the third eye in a very particular way to take people to a dream world that allows us to embody trauma consciously, feel the feelings that we resisted feeling or that we weren’t allowed to feel during the traumatic event to release those yucky feelings permanently. Through Ayahuasca, we get to embody these feelings for moments or sometimes minutes that we were not able to feel for one reason or another at the time when they happened and then, when the feelings have been fully embodied, they’re gone. We don’t carry them with us anymore.
On an Ayahuasca trip, people feel very hot at times, like there’s a fire inside of them. Then they might feel cold and shivery. These hot-cold feelings sometimes oscillate. They are emotions that we’ve resisted feeling sometimes for decades. When we feel these emotions, we are doing the work of cradling our soul parts and allowing them to inhabit our bodies with the Core Self. These feelings may exist as waves of physical manifestations during a trip, the urge to cry, to vomit (which is a feeling of being out-of-control), or dizziness and disorientation. If we don’t try to resist these feelings, they release fairly quickly, but sometimes the feelings are quite painful and we don’t want to feel them. Ayahuasca helps us let go so that we can allow the wave form, the Cosmic Dance of feelings in the human experience to move us and flow through us so that we can be healthy and alive.
Trauma might be conceptualized metaphorically as soul parts that have been sent away during traumatic events. Trauma causes us to split off from the Core Soul or Self such that pieces of us, soul parts, are sent away as carriers of the trauma-burden. We store these soul parts and the burden of trauma that they carry in a peripheral place that might be conceptualized most simply in this metaphor as Outer Space. They exist in an embryonic form that is still connected to the body via a cord that hooks into the false placentas / cancerous tumors that develop as a result of a sick pancreas and a perpetual, ongoing sense of danger. These embryonic soul parts are still connected to us and we may continue to experience them as a powerful negative force in our lives that causes us to work against our own goals and hopes even while they suck the vital force out of the material body in order to maintain their own separate existence in Outer Space. Finding these soul parts and bringing them back to the Core can be done through a soul retrieval, dreamwork, by taking Ayahuasca, by taking Sapito, or through psilocybin therapy.
Ayahuasca is a powerful herbal remedy for cancer because of its ability to work on many levels of healing at the same time. People come back from an Ayahuasca trip feeling as though they can SEE the world with new eyes (specifically via the third eye), often after years of being blind to beauty, hope, safety, and Light.
Ayahuasca as a Plant Teacher
In addition to its ability to heal cancer spiritually, physically, and emotionally (as well as diabetes), Ayahuasca also has the ability to act as a plant teacher in individuals who have worked closely to understand the Ayahuasca world and to release their own personal traumas. If you are looking for a way to cure cancer naturally, Ayahuasca can be taken multiple times to clear trauma and remove blockages from the autonomic nervous system so that the body can receive spiritual guidance about which plants or treatments a person needs in order to heal. Often, if a person is too sick to take a full dose of Ayahuasca themselves, another person such as an Ayahuascero or shaman can take Ayahuasca on their behalf to try to find the cure for a disease.
If you or a loved one is very ill with cancer, diabetes, or another serious disease and you would like to work with us as shamanic practitioners to find a specific set of treatments via Ayahuasca, psilocybin, dreamwork, or shamanic drumming and soul retrieval contact us at for more information.