What is Sananga / Xananga? 

If you’ve ever wished that there was a medicine to overcome anger, Sananga is a sacred medicine that might interest you. Sananga, also sometimes spelled as Xananga, is a sacred medicine that is administered as an eye drop. It contains ibogaine and it produces an intense burning sensation in the eyes that purges anger from the body. 

Anger, after all, is an emotion of defense. Anger typically stands sentinel as a source of protection when we feel as though we’ve been wronged. Behind anger is often an emotion of fear or sadness. People who are afraid or who are sad often cry – tears are a way for us to detoxify and remove sadness and fear from the body. Sananga helps us to find the root emotions that cause us to feel anger so that we can release anger permanently. 

What does Sananga do?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the eyes are connected to the liver while the ears are connected to the kidneys. Indeed, the eyes are even shaped like the liver and the ears are shaped like the kidneys. The similarity between the shape of the eyes and the shape of the liver is noteworthy given the other connections that exist between the eyes and liver and between the ears and the kidneys, but for now, we just want to point out the shape-similarity as the most observable connection between these two parts of the body that are seen as totally separate in conventional medicine to make the liver-eye connection specifically more memorable because it’s relevant in regard to what Sananga does and how Sananga works. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine views the body very differently than how it is viewed in conventional medicine. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, organs in the body are viewed more as energetic “structures” and the connections between them involve meridians, which are energetic (as well as anatomical) pathways that run through the electrically conductive fascia (a translucent tissue that envelopes every organ and every muscles and bone in the body). The fascia connects organs and structures of the body that are located distantly from each other. It connects, for example, every organ to a muscle group that provides electrical energy to keep that organ healthy and functioning properly. The fascia and the organs and structures that it envelopes, emerges out of the initial seed, the ovum, shortly after it is fertilized by sperm. Organs “bud” out of a fertilized ovum and they grow outward from the core of that initial seed, the ova, while maintaining connections to specific structures via the fascia / meridians. The fascia and the meridians might be likened to the branches of a tree that connect certain parts of that tree to the trunk. One might look at the organs and muscles that are connected as structures that are on the same branch of a tree while the fascia is more like the bark of the tree. The pathways within the fascia that connect organs and structures are known as “meridians”. 

The liver meridian connects the liver to the eyes and we find in conventional medicine that many serious liver diseases are strongly correlated with eye diseases for this reason. In conventional medicine, it is more profitable to view the liver as being separate from the eyes and sell the idea of eye-related health problems as something that is entirely separate from liver-related diseases. But actually, the liver and the eyes are strongly connected and diseases of one often coexist with diseases of the other.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the liver is the organ that stores and processes anger. It can be hard to understand how an organ can “store” an emotion if you aren’t familiar with this material already, but in fact, liver diseases are correlated with diseases that involve anger in one form or another. For example, depression is often conceptualized by psychologists as “anger turned inward on the Self”. Thus, depression is often rooted in the liver. Perpetual anger, in fact, causes the ducts in the liver to contract and become tense which can, in turn, lead to the buildup of bile sludge and/or gallstones / liver stones. Fatty liver disease, (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic) which involves liver congestion is often associated with blood sugar issues because this disease causes the common bile duct to become clogged which, in turn, can cause the pancreatic enzymes to do a backflow into the pancreas where they destroy the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. This can lead to blood sugar issues that can indeed cause serious mood problems in people. If the insulin-producing cells are damaged to a great extent, diabetes can develop. But a lot of people can overcome depression with Ayahuasca, for example because Ayahuasca relieves liver congestion and it can also regrow beta cells in the pancreas. 

How Does Sananga Work?

Sananga is administered in the eyes, but it addresses anger and negative emotions that are being stored in the liver. It works via the meridian system and the fascia. The intense burning in the eyes causes the brain to rewire itself and to become better able to withstand stressors that might otherwise cause angry outbursts in the future. Many shaman administer a less potent dose of Sananga at the first ceremony and then, at the client’s second ceremony, they administer a more potent dose. The brain learns to withstand the pain and deal with it in a different way and, interestingly, after you’ve worked with Sananga a couple of times, by the third or fourth treatment, the pain and stinging is significantly decreased.

Sananga also helps people see better overall with their eyes starting 2 to 3 days after the Sananga ceremony, but most people work with Sananga to overcome anger and mood issues.

Click here to learn more about doing a Sananga ceremony in Mexico.

Contact us at info@medicinassagradas.com for more information or to learn more about Sananga.

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