How we work
Though we’ve worked intensively with the sacred medicines under curanderas and healers of all types in different countries across the world to be able to do the work of shamans, we view ourselves as sacred medicine facilitators. Only a community of people can decide whether or not a person is a shaman or not for them. We work with a global community including both locals and foreigners so our community is constantly evolving and growing, yet the members often have no knowledge of each other. As such, the facilitator role is more appropriate and it allows us to continue to learn and grow from each of our clients.
We facilitate ceremony as well as set and setting for our clients, but we use science as well as experience and intuition to help people heal themselves and their relationships. Some of our clients have gotten to a place in their lives where their pain is greater than their fear – these people are in a state of submission that creates openness and the perfect psychic space for sacred medicines to do their most powerful work. But most of the people that we work with begin their relationship with the sacred medicines with some skepticism. They feel called to work with a sacred medicine with some hesitancy, anger, and fear. Often these people need to open a psychic space by confronting their skepticism – by confronting the logic of their limiting beliefs. As people who have had to confront our own limiting beliefs in order to survive in order to overcome serious issues like cancer, addiction, PTSD, attachment disorder, serious familial issues (nuclear and extended), sexual abuse, and more, our family has plenty of experience with how the sacred medicines work for people who are very oriented toward logic, science, and the left-brain thinking of the industrialized world.
Step 1: Schedule a Health Coaching Session
Why do we ask that our clients schedule a health coaching session with us? We like to make sure you’re comfortable with us and that we’re comfortable with you. We want to make sure that you’ll respect the space that our other clients might require during your visit. Our clients are with us working on important things, so we do our best to protect the space, the set, and the setting.
Scheduling a health coaching session with us helps us get to know you and it helps you get to know us. If you have any questions about the medicine(s), we can answer the questions. During the call, we’ll prepare you to have the best experience possible while working with the sacred medicines.
Each person is unique. Each family is unique. Each couple is unique. We like to listen and get to know our clients a bit before we facilitate work with the sacred medicines. Usually, we begin by scheduling a health coaching session through our AlivenHealthy.com website, though we sometimes also meet with people to do this health coaching session in-person at our facility. The health coaching session is scheduled so that clients tell us what they want to address and what they want to accomplish through the sacred medicines. We might suggest that they work with a particular sacred medicine, though clients may have a sense of which sacred medicine appeals most to them as well. The health coaching session is an opportunity for clients to explain their motives and their desires in a quick 90 minutes session, but it also gives us the opportunity to suggest a certain course of treatment with the sacred medicines based on experience, scientific research, and intuition. During this 90 minute session, Lydian and Jennifer will suggest a dieta and herbs and treatments that are available in the client’s home country to help them prepare for work with the sacred medicines to ensure that they get the most out of the experience. Clients who have a physical or mental illness that they wish to address will receive specific “leads” regarding cures and treatments for their disease (if Jennifer and Lydian are aware of a known or proven cure and/or treatment) during this initial call.
Clients who wish to work with mental health or relationship issues should also schedule a health coaching session to discuss their goals and desires in terms of working with the sacred medicines. Couples may wish to speak to us separately in different Zoom “rooms” to talk about the issues that they’re having trouble resolving. Jennifer has a master’s degree in family psychology. She and Lydian have certification in Constellations Therapy and also hypnotherapy (which includes Internal Family Systems therapy) so they’ll consider the issues in terms of conventional psychology but also in terms of these other models of relationships.
Clients who have a sick child or who wish to work, for example, with a sacred medicine like Ayahuasca to do an Inner Search for a cure for a serious disease or to search for an answer to a question or solution that seem unsolvable should also schedule a health coaching session. It’s vital that clients who wish to heal a child or a loved one using Ayahuasca should work intensively to “clear their field” of trauma. We’ll discuss this effort, what’s involved with it, how much time it might take, and what to expect in terms of Ayahuasca as a problem-solving medicine on the health coaching call.
NOTE: If you are taking any prescription or non-prescription medication, nutrient supplement, or herbal supplement, please let us know before or during the health coaching session. We are quite knowledgeable about the various medications, nutrient supplements, and herbal supplements in terms of how they react with certain sacred medicines. Also please be transparent with us if you are taking street drugs, or have recently taken street drugs (this information remains confidential). Please be up front and honest about what you’re taking so that we can ensure that you have a safe and positive experience with the sacred medicines.
Step 2: Reserve Your Dates with Us
After the health coaching call, you’ll receive an invoice from us and then you can make a 50% deposit to reserve your dates with us. If you are working with us online, you’ll make the final payment up to 48 hours before our online trip-sitter session. If you’re working with us in-person, you’ll also make the final payment up to 48 hours before your ceremony is scheduled.
Some of our clients work with us over a longer period of time. We’ll work out a customized payment plan with you if you’re doing a longer-term stay in Villa del Carbon or if you’re working with us weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly to do psilocybin online or another sacred medicine that requires a trip-sitter and integrative psychotherapy.
Note that the 50% deposit is non-refundable.
Step 3: Make the Final Payment
As soon as we receive your final payment, we arrange for staff on the date(s) of your visit or of our online trip-sitting call, as well as a comfortable and protected space on our property (if you’re visiting us in person), and other materials for your sacred medicines ceremony.
w We Work