The Sacred Medicines
We offer the following sacred indigenous medicines. Contact us at info@medicinassagradas.com for more information:
Ayahuasca Ceremony, Mexico City Area
Ayahuasca is a powerful sacred medicine that can also be used to overcome addiction, including alcoholism, stimulant addiction, sugar addiction or fast food addiction, it can be used to cure cancer, and also diabetes (with long-term treatment and diet changes), address death anxiety or grief, overcome relationship issues, find solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems, cures for seemingly incurable diseases, and it can heal trauma.
We administer Ayahuasca to heal both the mind and the body. In other words, Ayahuasca works with the body as well as the mind. This is a medicine that’s used to cure cancer and diabetes as well as severe mood disorders, trauma-related psychological disorders (including psychosis, PTSD, attachment disorders, Complex PTSD, bipolar, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and more). Ayahuasca works with disease and mental health in terms of its connection to trauma and our emotions to release what no longer serves us, detoxify the body and the mind, and open our thinking to new ways to solve serious problems that have defied our best efforts to find resolution.
Ayahuasca Near Mexico City
What’s Included:
- Rápe (optional, but recommended) Rápe is administered to calm the nerves and also to work in tandem and potentiate the Ayahuasca prior to ingesting the brew.
- Ayahuasca (served either in liquid form or as capsules) – Our Ayahuasca is prepared by Peruvian shamans and delivered to us in a super-concentrated form so that we can either reconstitute it or serve it in capsules.
- Temazcal / Sweat Lodge Ceremony – A temazcal is a sacred medicine by itself that detoxifies the body and prepares the mind and heart for Ayahuasca.
$1075 USD per person
Other Recommended Sacred Medicines:
Contact us now at info@medicinassagradas.com to reserve time to work with Ayahuasca near Mexico City.
Psilocybin mushrooms are used to align the mind with the body, release trauma, and overcome issues in the current family as well as in the ancestry.
Our facility is in an area where psilocybin mushrooms grow naturally. As such, our clients pick their own mushrooms at or near our facility.
If you have family traumas that have been passed down through generations, patterns in your relationships that seem impossible to change, difficulties at work or in school, psilocybin can help. If you and a loved one are constantly battling and can’t seem to find common ground (despite efforts to try to understand each other using marriage or family counseling), psilocybin can help you break down walls and easily get past obstacles in your relationships that seem to be solidly in your way. Perhaps your parents are a toxic force in your life and you struggle to manage your boundaries and find ways to communicate with them in a healthy way. Or maybe your spouse is an alcoholic, an abuser, or perhaps he / she cheated on you, yet you still love this person and want to work things out. Your heart may be broken by relationships and the things that happen in these relationships but psilocybin can often help people find ways to forgive, forget, and overcome the patterns that lead to toxicity between two people. In some cases, even one person in a relationship who is initially willing to work intensively on behalf of the relationship is enough to open up space for both parties to heal.
Psilocybin is also spectacular for ADHD, stimulant addictions, PTSD, depression, anxiety, bipolar, cancer anxiety, or anxiety about dying after receiving a terminal diagnosis. Psilocybin can be used to “clear the field” for those who are hoping to work with Ayahuasca and other sacred medicines to find solutions to serious problems. Psilocybin can help you make enormous strides toward balanced mental health and healthy relationships with people and they work within a fairly short period of time.Though mushrooms can be a lot of fun in recreational settings, our psilocybin ceremonies are always focused on healing the mind-body, relationships, and/or trauma. A native guide (she is also a medical doctor) leads psilocybin ceremonies. Psilocybin is a serious healer when you use it with the intent to heal. At the same time, they offer people a gentle introduction to altered states.
When psilocybin mushrooms are taken with the intention to heal and release trauma, the experience is very different from when they’re taken for recreation or socialization. Our online psilocybin ceremonies are always focused on healing the mind-body, relationships, and/or trauma. Our goal is to guide you through the use of the psilocybin for healing to seek out the root cause of the pain that you experience in your daily life to release it.
Click here to buy psilocybin online in the U.S.
Psilocybin: Mexico City Area
We are able to offer psilocybin near Mexico City. Mushrooms are obtained from the natural surroundings and they can then be used in a ceremony at our facility. As such, clients do not pay for mushrooms and we don’t sell mushrooms. Rather, we sell a safe space for a specified time period for clients to work with psilocybin according to the sacred indigenous model of psilocybin administration at our facility.
Many people simply don’t realize how valuable psilocybin can be as a sacred medicine and how to use it properly to overcome trauma. Once clients understand the process involved in trauma release and how to work with psilocybin to embody your soul parts and bring them back into your body, you reclaim your power to heal.
Psilocybin is one of the most important relationship healers, but it’s also one of the most important trauma-releasing sacred medicines that we work with. Everyone here at our facility has worked intensively long-term with psilocybin to release and integrate major life traumas that can get in the way of healthy relationships, meaningful work, and a sense of well-being and safety in the world.
What’s Included:
- Traditional psilocybin ceremony.
- Assistance with identifying mushrooms.
- Dosing assistance by experienced guides.
- Temazcal / Sweat Lodge Ceremony – A temazcal is a sacred medicine that detoxifies the body and prepares the mind and heart for psilocybin.
- Rápe (optional, but recommended) Rápe is administered to calm the nerves before you take psilocybin.
$495 USD per person
Contact us now at info@medicinassagradas.com to reserve time to work with psilocybin near Mexico City.
Sapito Retreat Near Mexico City / 5-MeO-DMT Retreat, Mexico
Sapito is a frog venom that is smoked to open the heart chakra and receive communication from Spirit Guides and the spirit of the frog itself. Sapito is extremely useful as a sacred medicine to overcome addiction, release trauma, overcome relationship issues, and treat or cure mental health problems. It should usually be administered more than one time over the course of several months, if possible for best results.
A Sapito session lasts around 15 minutes to 1 hour. At our facility, people have some control over how much Sapito they inhale and thus, how powerful the experience is.
We sometimes offer group Sapito retreats because Sapito tends to powerfully take people inside of themselves such that the energy of the group doesn’t impact the trajectory of an individual 5-MeO-DMT experience.
What’s Included:
- Sapito, dosing guidance, and assistance with inhalation and body positioning after dosing.
- Traditional Sapito ceremony.
- Temazcal / Sweat Lodge Ceremony – A temazcal is a sacred medicine that detoxifies the body and prepares the mind and heart for Sapito.
- Rápe (optional, but recommended) Rápe is administered to calm the nerves before you take Sapito.
$285 USD per person
Other Recommended Sacred Medicines:
- Kambo
- Rápe
Contact us now at info@medicinassagradas.com to reserve time to work with Sapito / 5-MeO-DMT near Mexico City.
Kambo Retreat Near Mexico City
Kambo is a frog venom that is often administered prior to Ayahuasca ceremonies and Sapito ceremonies to cleanse the liver and reduce the need to purge. Kambo can be used as a natural vaccine against infectious disease, cancer, and other serious forms of illness.
During the COVID pandemic, prior to the introduction of the vaccine, Lydian and Jennifer administered Kambo to doctors and nurses who sought out this medicine in Mexico.
Kambo is administered by producing superficial burns in the skin using special sticks and then spreading the venom on the burns. A Kambo experience produces a powerful fight-or-flight response followed by an abrupt lowering of blood pressure. The medicine works to regulate the autonomic nervous system and it has been used to increase a person’s ability to withstand stress and trauma.
Kambo is extremely useful as a treatment for trauma and addiction as well as certain physical manifestations of disease.
What’s Included:
- Kambo ceremony.
- Temazcal / Sweat Lodge Ceremony – A temazcal is a sacred medicine that detoxifies the body and prepares the mind and heart for Kambo.
- Rápe (optional, but recommended) Rápe is administered to calm the nerves before you take Sapito.
- Kambo administration- 1-5 dots and dosing guidance.
$195 USD per person
Other Recommended Sacred Medicines:
- Ayahuasca
- Sapito (Sapito cannot be given before Ayahuasca – it can only be administered 24-48 hours after the end of an Ayahuasca trip)
Contact us at info@medicinassagradas.com to reserve time with us for Kambo treatment.